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We talk a lot about physical health, but our mental and emotional well-being have a huge impact on our physical health.  When our mental and emotional health is compromised, our bodies feel the effects.

In fact, physical health and mental/emotional health are inextricably linked.  Physical pain and illness impact emotions and our mental state, while stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental and emotional disorders manifest in the physical body.  Heart disease, weight problems, and adrenal fatigue are just a few ways mental and emotional stress can affect the physical body.

Because of this, we believe that taking care of our mental health and emotional wellbeing are every bit as important as staying physically healthy!What does Emotional Well-Being Look Like?

Emotionally healthy people have control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This doesn’t mean a constant state of happiness, but rather an awareness of your emotions.  An emotionally healthy individual knows how to manage negative feelings, including anger, stress, and sadness. Most importantly, they are able to recognize when a problem is more than they can deal with alone and understand how to seek professional help when needed.

The ability to cope with life’s challenges is an important life skill to master.  A person who is aware of and able to deal with his emotions is much more likely to reach his full potential.  This results in increased productivity, and an overall ability to cope with stress and pressure in a positive way.Maintaining Good Emotional Health

  1. Be aware of your emotions. Pay attention to the things that make you sad, frustrated, or angry and actively look for new ways to deal with these emotions in a healthy way.
  2. Learn to express your feelings appropriately. Let those who are close to you know what’s going on so that they can support you and help you work things through.  Keeping negative emotions locked up inside leads to stress and can drastically impact relationships.
  3. Give yourself time. Don’t react immediately to emotional pressure.  Give yourself time to process, especially when you’re experiencing anger.
  4. Find meaningful ways to connect with other people on a deeper emotional level.
  5. Give of your time, especially!  Finding ways to help others is one of the best ways to realign your mental focus on what’s most important.
  6. Focus on Positivity! Don’t allow yourself to spend too much time dwelling on the negative.  Recognize it, deal with it, move on.  Spend your effort building up the positive things in your life and don’t let the negative things control you.

Going a Step Further

When you realize that you’re struggling with your emotional well-being, it’s important to seek treatment right away so that you can get back on the right track quickly with as little impact on your physical health as possible.Here are a few things to try:

Mental illnesses have a profound impact on our society and can never be downplayed or ignored.  If you are struggling with depression, PTSD, anxiety, or any other emotional or mental trauma, please see someone right away to help you address these challenges.We have several practitioners that are deeply trained and widely experienced in helping people identify and release trauma, negative beliefs and get unstuck from repetitive destructive thinking. Ready to feel better emotionally?