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What is Lyme disease?

Lyme is an inflammatory and potentially fatal disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi, a bacterial spirochete (a sprial, coiled like formation as visible under a microscope) typically contracted from the bite of an insect such as a tick, flea or mite. One of the first signs of the condition is a rash that is red in appearance and expands in a circular pattern from onset of the bite. Rash can be followed by flu-like symptoms and pain in the joint and / or connective tissue, or neurological symptoms which worsen and become chronic over time.

Sources: https://www.lymedisease.org/lyme-basics/lyme-disease/about-lyme/


How prevalent is Lyme disease?

Lyme disease affects 20 – 30K people annually. Lyme spirochetes, bacterial present in the disease, have been around many years. In the last several decades, these organisms became noticeably more aggressive, penetrating and illness-inducing than previously observed. Chronic infection and toxicity is a characteristic of Lyme from auto-immune diseases such as Parkinson’s, MS, and chronic fatigue likely to be recognizable forms of these chronic conditions.

Symptoms of Lyme:

Because Lyme disease is always present with other illness (known as co-infections), the condition is not typically diagnosed on symptoms alone is because symptoms can mimic other disease and widely vary.

Lyme masquerading as other illnesses and its connection to neurological and autoimmune disease

Neurologists may order testing on spinal fluid with these types symptoms, but there is almost always an attempt to prove something other than Lyme as the culprit. MS, autism, ALS, Parkinson’s, chronic fatigue, arthritis, palsy and even psychological conditions are commonly misdiagnosed and may actually instead be Lyme and/or other viruses, bacteria or fungus.

Limitations in “gold standard” tests for Lyme

Most doctors use tests that measure reaction of the immune system – that is, the presence of antibodies – to the invading microbe. With spirochete infection, white blood cells are a primary location for Lyme to appear. When practitioners look at at white blood cells in testing, results typically show negative. This is because white blood cells lose their ability to produce antibodies.

Source: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/05/dr-dietrich-klinghardt-on-lyme-disease.aspx

Testing for Lyme

The Western Blot test can be used for measuring immune response. Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, M.D. uses this test is based on presentation of clinical symptoms along with a form of muscle testing known as ART (autonomic response testing) which uses classical neurological tests in addition to kinesiology.

Treatment is tailored depending on clinical symptoms and ART muscle-testing (see Diagnosis and treatment for Lyme below). This method looks for certain reflexes associated with specific illnesses. The approach combines classical neurological testing and kinesiology along with history, skin signs, palpation of tissues, neurological reflex testing, and orthopedic tests.

If Lyme is suspected after clinical examination, Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt uses a highly specialized form of body work and his specialized protocol following treatment for 6-8 weeks. The Western Blot test can then be used to measure immune response. This test is effective if there are antibodies produced which come as a result of effective treatment. Positive Western blot shows the success of the treatment, but a negative result does not necessarily prove the elimination or absence of infection.

Symptoms and medical history are taken, with focus on exposure to insect bites (ticks, mites, fleas, mosquitoes, spiders, etc). Other symptoms can include fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or depression.

Other types of testing include PCR-DNA and CD57. PCR-DNA detects not just the presence of bacteria but the immune response to it.  PCR-DNA can produce false negatives but is considered a highly accurate method of diagnosis when Lyme DNA is present.

CD57 testing can be valuable in Lyme diagnosis and management, but results varies since there are symptomatic patients with normal levels of CD57 and those who exhibit subnormal CD57 levels.

Types of bacteria associated with Lyme

Borrelia burgdorferi

A spirochete, a class of long, flexible, slender bacteria that appear in a coiled shape.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/PMHT0025346/


Bacteria residing typically inside the lining of blood vessels. It is carried by cats, fleas, body ticks and lice and can be a culprit of cat-scratch disease, endocarditis, as well as other serious diseases in humans.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3565243/


A malaria-type parasite, affecting red blood cells. FISH (Fluorescent In-Situ Hybridization) is done via blood test and can detect the ribosomal RNA associated with this bacteria in thin blood smears. Typically resides in the central nervous system, joints and connective tissue, not in significantly large enough amounts in the blood stream.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3258014/


Caused by the bacterium Anaplasma phagocytophilum. These bacteria are contracted via tick and other insect bites such as the blacklegged and the western blacklegged tick.

Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3225162/


Why conventional antibiotic treatment can fail

Conventional approach to Lyme typically involves  antibiotic therapy after infection occurs. Unfortunately, those who are diagnosed with Lyme may not know until months or years down the road when chronic symptoms become visible: body and flu-like sensations, severe pain and stiffness, rash, fatigue, neurological symptoms, blood pressure irregularities, and others.

At this point, antibiotics may not be beneficial. Once an infection takes root, bacteria that support Lyme are hidden inside cells and tissues. Locations have been observed as inaccessible to antibiotic treatment. As well, antibiotics don’t address co-infections from other sources such as the presence of viral illness that are typically present in Lyme.

A multi-layered, strategic approach is required to treat a systemic condition such as Lyme and its co-infections. Genetic susceptibility is another important consideration.

Borrelia burgdorferi, one primary causative agent of Lyme, is a spirochetal bacterium that can take up different inactive forms. However, Lyme is typically a combination of infectious agents varying from individual-to-individual.

Borrelia burdorferi as a common Lyme agent

Borrelia burgdorferi bacteria has the ability to modify itself into a cyst when its environment threatens its existence. In cyst form, Borrelia achieves immunity from antibiotics, the host system, and variables in PH and temperature. In cyst form, Borrelia burgdorferi is only detectable with a microscope as it appears on a microscopic level.

As a way to avoid starvation, Borrelia burgdorferi can also decline its metabolic rate. When host conditions become more favorable, the cyst then reverts to its original spirochetal form. Spirochetes also have the ability to produce biofilms which make them stronger; a common characteristic of this bacterial strain in cyst form.

As there are varying bacteria implicated in Lyme diagnosis, some such as Borrelia miyamotoi respond favorably to antibiotic therapy. Other strains such as Borrelia afzelii, garinii, and burgdorferi are not typically responsive to antibiotics.

EMF (electromagnetic frequencies), microwave radiation and mold

The removal of exposure to cell phone, router, Wifi, Smart Meter, and other wireless devices and technology is of extreme importance in mitigating Lyme disease. Cordless telephones are removed and patients are recommended to shut down fuses during nighttime hours until recovery is complete.

Toxicity and chronic infections are almost always involved in the manifestation of Lyme symptoms. Mold is also almost always a culprit. The patient is advised to air home out daily, clean air ducts, vacuum, and eliminate moisture sources in walls or behind walls/ducts, and in/under floor spaces. Blood testing typically successful in diagnosis of mold, so muscle-testing is often an optimal way to confirm exposure.

Mold becomes much more virulent if microwave or cell phone radiation from wireless internet, baby monitors, alarm systems, and others are in use. The combination of these two factors creates an ideal environment for Lyme. This is why both the individual and living environments must be treated for successful recovery.

Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt has been a pioneer in developing safe, effective Lyme protocols. As an outcome-oritented physician, his research has shown that chronic and cumulative toxicity as well as co-infections from viruses, fungus and other bacteria are key in the presence of Lyme disease.

Dr. Klinghardt is a medical doctor trained in classical homeopathy, and also trained in herbal, integrative medical and hormone replacement therapy. In the 1990s, he successfully used antibiotic therapy in approach to Lyme. In recent years, he noted that medical treatments using antibiotic therapy for this treatment were tapering off in success rates, which prompted him to seek alternative approaches in treatment of the disease. He also discovered that the body’s expression of symptoms as it pertains to Lyme is due to the behavior of the immune system rather than the presence of microbes and toxins. This is why Dr. Klinghardt’s focus on treatment is aimed at support of the immune system when it comes to Lyme treatment.

Source: http://www.klinghardtacademy.com/Protocols/Klinghardt-Biological-treatment-of-Lyme-disease.html

Diagnosis and treatment of Lyme

Dr. Klinghardt evaluates environmental and external factors leading to Lyme diagnosis, and implements in place strategy to off set this process. Some factors include EMF, microwave radiation from wireless technologies and mold.

He also considers mental / emotional factors and uses psychokinesiology, similar to Emotional Freedom Technique. Other causes that can affect chronic bacterial and viral infection would include neurodegenerative, neurobehavioral, psychiatric, autoimmune and fatiguing illnesses:



Heavy metals, parasites and other bacterial / fungal removal

The removal process for aluminum and other heavy metals is of critical importance in Lyme treatments. Dr. Klinghardt’s effective method includes intravenous sodium EDTA for heavy metal chelation. Cilantro tincture and ionic footbaths have shown success in removal of lead, cadmium, mercury, nickel and aluminum excreted from the body, as confirmed by tests for presence of these substances in patients’ hair and urine.

After metals have been addressed, treating parasites is necessary. The Klinghardt Microbial cocktail, which contains wormwood, is effective for targeting Lyme spirochetes, Bartonella and Babesia. Wormwood has been used for over 1000 years, and in particular, one extract called artemisinin.  Other components of the cocktail include Vitamin C, phospholipids, and a tincture including specific herbs such as andrographis, red root, stephania and knotweed. Finally, any known viruses are treated with Native American Herbs known as Viressence.

Additional considerations in lifestyle include:

Dr. Klinghardt also uses ozonated Rizol oils and Phospholipids versus antibiotics (unless absolutely necessary). These oils are comprised of ozonated castor, olive and essential oils. Olive oil is especially effective to treat microbes such as Mycoplasma. The lymphatic system takes in these oils while passing through the esophagus or stomach lining, and are most effective when taken in isolation rather than with other remedies. The oils are lipophilic and deeply penetrate fatty tissue areas such as the brain. They also penetrate blood-brain barrier and have great capability of inhibiting microbial growth.

Source: https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2012/02/05/dr-dietrich-klinghardt-on-lyme-disease.aspx

Photo by Jachan DeVol on Unsplash