What are the root causes of disease? Dr. Michael Karlfeldt explains this with a discussion on “the terrain” as a predictor of overall health, as was studied by Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp, a French Scientist who was a contemporary of fellow chemist Louis Pasteur.
In talking about the rivalry between Antoine Béchamp and Louis Pasteur. Actually on his deathbed, Pasteur admitted Béchamp was right: he said “the environment is everything.”
Here you have then, the creation of an environment that is conducive to health.
But then if we look at something like cancer, which is a very serious disease. Instead of just looking at the cancer in and of itself, we want to look at the terrain where the cancer is growing.
What kind of terrain are we dealing with? Genetics is certainly a factor, and we cannot fight genetic factors. However, genetics really only acocunts for 5 – 10 percent. We are also dealing with other factors such as inflammation and acidity. We are also dealing with whether there is enough oxygen within the tissue. When a tissue, or cell becomes hypoxic, where it doesn’t have enough oxygen, it will turn to another method of producing energy where it ferments sugar to create energy.
Also when you are dealing cancer. Another factor that affects the terrain: there is something called hypoglycemia. Where are your blood sugar levels? If your blood sugar levels are continually elevated, you are more prone to developing cancer. This scenario will feed the cancerous process.
Another factor is your BMI. The higher your BMI, the more prone you would be to developing cancer.
If you are someone who is dealing with cancer, these are factors that you can control. You can actually change these factors when you are given the “sentence” of a cancerous diagnosis. You can work on correcting your BMI, and work on changing your blood sugar levels. You can also work on what foods you consume to reduce acidity in your diet which would change a future cancerous outcome by consuming a diet of more alkaline foods such as fruits and vegetables.
You can work on your movement or exercise. If you are active and keep moving continually, your chances of recovering from cancer are much higher.
Another important factor is stress. This can be your daily life stress, but can also stem from earlier events that occurred in your lifetime. These are programs or belief systems that run “behind the scene” and can support the growth of a systemic disease such as cancer. Cancer is a systemic disease. It’s not a disease that remains in one location in the body, but would affect the whole organism. That’s why it’s so important to look at the whole environment where it grows.
Let’s say you have cancer of the liver. Removing the cancer from this particular region and then assuming the cancer is gone is erroneous. This is similar to if you were to be diagnosed with diabetes, and then all of a sudden you have neuropathy in your leg. This would eventually create a scenario where circulation is down, and the tissue would eventually become infectious to the point where it would then become “necessary” to amputate the leg.
And yet, operating and amputating the leg does not actually cure the diabetes.
Cancer is the same. The environment where cancer grows is a toxic body that is malnourished. And there are also a number of emotional factors that need considering. What kind of traumas are you carrying, and what kind of belief systems are promoting the cancerous growth?
Genetics are a factor, but as Dr. Karlfeldt mentioned originally, it’s one of the smallest factors in the growth of cancer. And cancer is just one example; this would be the case for nearly any other disease.
It’s all about the environment. Correcting that environment and taking these productive steps to change those conditions, instead of being myopic and just focusing on the disease itself is key.
Ask: what is the environment with which you are dealing? Understanding this is essential to discovering what is at the root cause, which is ultimately the optimal way to eliminate disease.
Photo by Tyler Casey on Unsplash.