Conventional dental and health advice recommend eating less sugar, to brush and floss regularly, and use fluoride to fight cavities and dental issues. Dentists also tell us that crowding of teeth is genetic.
But did you know that what you eat has a lot to do with how well your teeth (and bones) can stay strong enough to avoid cavities? When you support your bones and teeth with foundation in solid nutrition, you will be able to avoid a variety of health issues including cavities, dental malformation, and the effects of bone loss.
Regular brushing and flossing is indeed important. However, Dr. Weston A. Price, DDS discovered that optimal dental health is connected with the dietary habits of those consuming real, traditional foods. In the 1930s, he traveled around the world for 10 years studying traditional diets where he found little to no signs of chronic disease among the various populations he visited – 14 in all – including tooth decay and other dental issues.
Of all primitive races he observed, the Aborigines of Australia displayed some of the most perfect dental arches and teeth, and decay was nearly absent in their teeth. Their diets consisted of small animal life, marine life, and wild plants found in their native lands. He conducted in-depth studies of the nutrient content in these diets via laboratory analysis and took photographs of the teeth of the Aborigines and other people in different cultures and locations, all of which are available in his pioneering book about health and nutrition, Nutrition and Physical Degeneration. The book documents his amazing discoveries on the causes of chronic disease and illness based on his discoveries in the various world populations he visited.
Dietary habits to prevent cavities and support teeth and bone health:
1/2 teaspoon 1-2 times daily of cod liver oil. Try Fermented Cod Liver Oil / Butter Oil blend from Green Pastures.
- Foods abundant in Vitamin C including vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, dark leafy greens, cabbage and sauerkraut. Liposomal Vitamin C is extremely beneficial for immunity and overall health as well, and high doses can be used when facing any chronic health issue (degenerative) or acute illness (such as cold or flu).
2 cups twice daily of bone broth made from slow cooking the bones & organs of chicken, beef, or fish
1-4+ cups of raw, organic grassfed milk daily, 2-4 ounces of raw, organic cheese. Also, eat yogurt, kefir, butter or ghee, sour cream, and buttermilk made from raw milk.
1-4 tablespoons of grass-fed bone marrow. Either raw or cooked.
1-4 pastured eggs daily, raw, soft boiled or fully cooked
Overall, consume more whole, unprocessed foods – and especially fats and proteins from healthy animals on pasture – 8 ounces daily of grassfed and finished meats and poultry, eggs from pasture-raised chickens, wild game meats, dark and organ meats from healthy animals on pasture and safe-sourced seafood.
Foods to avoid:
Refined carbohydrates
Hydrogenated and industrially-produced oils such as those found in margarine, shortening, “butter” spreads, and other artificial fats, and all vegetable oils, especially – canola, cottonseed, corn and soybean oil
Processed and packaged foods
Foods containing soy, unless organic and fermented only
If you still decide to consume grains, soak them overnight before use. Cover grains with filtered water in a bowl, add two teaspoons of whey (see recipe below), raw apple cider vinegar, or fresh squeezed lemon juice.
Foods such as grains, corn, soy, and even nuts and legumes contain phytic acid. When not neutralized by proper preparation methods, phytic acid found in these foods can block the absorption of nutrients. Even when properly prepared, the phytic acid will not be neutralized enough to prevent absorption from being blocked. If you are still experiencing dental issues, try avoiding these foods altogether.
Recipe for whey (makes about 5 cups) from the Weston A. Price Foundation:
Whey is found in dairy foods, and can be easily extracted from them and added to other foods such as when you prepare cultured vegetables like sauerkraut to allow for growth of friendly bacteria which is beneficial for immune and overall health.
Homemade whey is easy to make from good quality plain yogurt, or from raw or cultured milk. You will need a large strainer that rests over a bowl.
If you are using yogurt, place 2 quarts in a strainer lined with a tea towel set over a bowl. Cover with a plate and leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl. Place whey in clean glass jars and store in the refrigerator.
If using raw or cultured milk, place 2 quarts of the milk in a glass container and leave at room temperature for 2-4 days until the milk separates into curds and whey. Pour into the strainer lined with a tea towel set over a bowl and cover with a plate. Leave at room temperature overnight. The whey will drip out into the bowl. Store in clean glass jars in the refrigerator.
Tooth hygiene
To keep your teeth clean, try Good Gums all natural tooth powder. Or, use a combination of sea salt & baking soda. Or, Hopewell Essential Oils Tooth Suds Plague Defense used in combination with Dr. Hull’s Tooth and Gum or Oral Hygiene essential oil blends.
Oil pulling
Another helpful way to avoid gum problems and tooth decay is to oil pull daily with organic coconut or sesame oil. Upon waking, use ¼ – ½ teaspoon, place in mouth and swish around for 10 – 20 minutes daily or several times weekly before consuming any food, beverage or brushing your teeth.
Read more about how grains affect dental and bone health from Ramiel Nagel’s book Cure Tooth Decay.
Cover image by Henry Bernstein: