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On this episode of HealthMade Radio, Dr. Karlfeldt interviews Dr. Lawrence Wilson, MD

Dr. Lawrence Wilson is an international leader in Hair Mineral Analysis. He has a bachelors of science degree from MIT and a medical degree from a University in Mexico.

For over 35 years he has worked as a nutrition consultant refining the science of nutritional balancing.  He has reviewed over 35,000 hair mineral analyses. He learned from Dr. Paul C. Eck, a brilliant biochemist and founder of Analytical Research Laboratories for whom he worked for 14 years.  He has expanded the work since Dr. Eck passed away adding procedures that greatly enhance the detoxification of toxic metals and discovering newer hair patterns that are emerging today in our ever-increasingly toxic world.

Dr. Wilson does technical consulting and teaching for them for Analytical Research Laboratories. He is the author of 1400 articles and five books including “Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis.” His books and free articles are available at www.drlwilson.com.

HealthMade Radio is a community for natural health seekers where we educate people about common health conditions and share extensive research on the most effective natural health treatments. A core concept and belief is in the innate intelligence and healing power of the body. If properly supported spiritually, emotionally, and nutritionally, it can find its way back to health. HealthMade Radio brings information from integrative health experts from around the world!

– your host, Dr. Michael Karlfeldt